Lakin Rose Budget Summary

01223 235707

More time to pay missing National Insurance Contributions
In March we reminded you to check whether your national insurance contribution (NIC) record contains any gaps, and how this could affect entitlement to the state retirement pension. Read More...
Cleaning up your sales till
Electronic sales suppression (ESS) is the term for when a sales till is programmed to hide or reduce the value of individual sales. Read More...
Employment status of Associate Dentists
For years HMRC has accepted that associate dentists can be treated as self-employed rather than as employees of the dental practice they work for, but this informal agreement is about to end on 5 April 2023. Read More...
Electronic returns of benefits and expenses
In February 2022 HMRC suddenly withdrew the interactive online PDF form for reporting expenses and benefits for employees (form P11D). Employers were forced to submit their P11Ds electronically or go back to using paper P11D forms. Read More...
April Questions and Answers
Q. In his Spring Budget, the Chancellor said 'full expensing' would apply to plant and machinery. Does this mean I can write off the balance brought forward in my plant and machinery pool, which was previously written down at 18% on the reducing balance m Read More...
April key tax dates
5 - Last opportunity to utilise income tax personal allowances, annual ISA allowances, and exemptions for CGT and IHT for 2022/23. Last day to claim exemption from Class 4 NIC for 2022/23 where earnings are also subject to Class 1 NIC. Final day fo Read More...

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