Lakin Rose Budget Summary

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Working from home
Over recent years, it has become increasingly popular for employers to allow their employees to work from home, and in doing so, pay an amount to cover any additional household costs incurred. What are the tax Read More...
VAT: zero-rating of adapted motor vehicles
Finance Act 2017 introduced legislation designed to end perceived abuse of the VAT relief on substantially and permanently adapted motor vehicles for disabled wheelchair users. Read More...
Rent a room scheme
Although Budget 2017 announced that the Government intends to review the rent-a-room scheme, it currently remains Read More...
New state pension and contracted-out NICs
Most people will be aware that the state retirement pension system has changed for people who reach state pension age on or after 6 April 2016 Read More...
July questions and answers
Q. Can I give my house to my children and continue to live in it and avoid inheritance tax? Read More...
July key tax dates
5 - Deadline for PAYE settlement agreement for 2016/17 Read More...

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